The Spiritual Concierge is in

Stay tuned for classes and workshops from Yvé, and use the links at right to book with her, connect with her on LUCC Social, or check out her site.

Resonance - when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion.

Danielle- Yvonne “Yvé” Dizes, created the term Spiritual Concierge to explain her varied, often unorthodox style of divine service.

The term is a nod to her time in hospitality and reflects her axiom that the best teachers discover each soul’s distinctive needs, guide them to valid sources, and allow them to discover their own beliefs. She facilitates this process with her vast knowledge of many modalities, as well as her ability to literally resonate her clients, pushing them into their next phase.

Do you feel that lurking, just there in your shadow, is the answer to all your questions?

Do you crave a grander journey, a deeper purpose, an understanding beyond what you see around you?

These are the hallmarks of your spirit reaching for expansion and a new frequency.